Benefits of Endermologie


At Santé we can’t stop raving about the benefits of Endermologie. So much so that after having experienced the effects of the technique first hand, we decided to offer the treatment to the world.

Not only is the technique scientifically proven, it has positive effects on both our health and our appearance. Although its aesthetic benefits may be well known, Endermologie also stimulates a myriad of deeper physiological responses which promote improved health and vitality.

Best of all, the technique is non-invasive, 100% natural and supports the body’s own healing mechanisms. Here are some of the wonderful benefits of Endermologie.

Restructures fascia

The body’s connective tissue, known as the fascia, lays beneath the skin and wraps around every muscle, organ, bone, nerve and blood vessel, providing support, structure and connection throughout our body. Fascia can thicken, harden and form adhesions which feel tight, stagnant and painful in the body.

Endermologie uses mechanical manipulation to work on these areas of tightness and density in the fascia to restore hydration, suppleness and health to the tissues and keep our body moving well.

Lymphatic stimulation

The lymphatic system works as your waste disposal system and is responsible for getting rid of waste, toxins and excess fluid from the cells and tissues. Consisting of nodes and vessels, which are located in the fascia, the lymphatic system is vital for immune health, detoxification and assisting with fluid retention.

Endermologie activates lymphatic circulation which is key, because unlike the bloodstream which relies on the heart, the lymphatic system does not have a pump. Lymph movement is crucial for detoxification and is fundamental to overall good health.

Boosts circulation

Healthy blood circulation is vital for our entire system and for our bodies to function at their best. Lifestyle factors such as lack of exercise, smoking, poor nutrition and prolonged sitting can impact circulation.

Endermologie increases blood flow up to 200% which supports the transportation of oxygen and nutrients to the cells and tissues. With improved circulation, we feel increased energy and a sense of vitality and aliveness in our bodies.

Cellular regeneration

By clearing out cellular waste and toxins and bringing nutrients and oxygen to the cells through increased lymphatic and blood circulation, cellular activity is optimised. Cells are the fundamental structural and functional units of tissue. They perform important life processes such as respiration, digestion, metabolism, signalling, growth and structural support.

Endermologie reactivates dormant cells, stimulates natural regeneration processes and supports detoxification of waste and toxins to support healthy cellular functions and activity. 

Skin firmness & tone

Endermologie stimulates fibroblasts in the skin to boost our own natural production of the key building blocks of healthy skin texture and tone. The technique stimulates the production of collagen for more firmness, hyaluronic acid for greater plumpness and hydration, and elastin for more suppleness, creating radiance in the skin. This means softer, smoother, tighter skin, with improved tone and texture and reduced wrinkles.

Endermologie transforms the skin with no pain, aggression or synthetic substances and completely respects the integrity of the skin.

Cellulite & fat metabolism

Endermologie reactivates the body’s natural process for eliminating excess fat. By triggering a process called ‘lipolysis’ (the breakdown of fat cells) the treatment assists with fat metabolism by releasing fatty acids to be used as an energy source by our muscles.

This process is also important for detoxification, as many toxins are stored in our fat cells. By breaking down fat cells we liberate toxins which can then be moved out of the body through our various detoxification channels - the lymphatic system, blood, colon, kidneys, lungs and skin.

The combination of the skin toning, detoxification, fluid reduction, fat release and circulatory effects of Endermologie works to significantly improve cellulite and shape the body over time. The treatment is scientifically proven to reduce cellulite and is the only FDA approved cellulite reduction treatment available.


A sensory experience unlike any other, Endermologie stimulates nerves in the skin, fascia and underlying muscles and promotes a feeling of relaxation, calm and wellbeing. The treatment activates the parasympathetic nervous system which is often called the ‘rest and digest’ nervous system. By helping to restore the body to its resting state, the treatment can initiate a healing response, lowering feelings of stress and aiding digestion.

The sensory stimulation experienced during Endermologie can also trigger greater connection with and appreciate for our bodies. Following the treatment, one may feel refreshed, a sense of lightness, deep relaxation and balance of body and mind.

Simone Moyle